Use Cases
Uncovering the Most Vulnerable in Times of Crisis: Analyzing Procurement Capacity Index with Multi-Criteria Decision-Analysis
Featuring a published paper by one of OCDex' fellows, Engr. John Raymond Barajas of Bicol University College of Engineering Abstract:...
Public Data Analytics: Community Problem Solving
VOLUME 2 of the OCDex Public Data Analytics Series Data science and analytics has demonstrated its power in informing decision-making...
Predicting Public Procurement Irregularities in the COVID-19 Response of Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Philippines
Authors: Barajas, J.R., Aspra, N., Gealone, P.J., Lucero, A., Padua, O., Ramos, M. Motivated by ensuring transparency, fairness, and efficiency...
Using Government Procurement Data to Influence Bidding Strategy of Local Contractors
Using Philippine Government E-Procurement System (PhilGEPS) data of 19 local government units from years 2016-2018, four out of six key...
Automated Process Mining in Philippine Procurement Event Logs – Automated Process Flow Detection
"Process mining applies data science to discover, validate and improve workflows . By combining data mining and process analytics, organizations can...
How can CSOs use Data in their Community-Based HIV/AIDS Advocacy Activities?
Public Procurement Analytics Handbook – Volume 1
Fair, transparent, and efficient government procurement benefits the public. In this information age, where insight generation from big data has...
Procurement Management of the Resources Used on Testing COVID-19 Cases in the Bicol Regional Diagnostic and Reference Laboratory (BRDRL)
This article and the manuscript were submitted by the research team and may be updated in the future. Conducting this...
The Philippine Government Precautionary Measures Through Procurement of Covid-19 Related Items
(This article and the manuscript were submitted by the research team and may be updated/revised in the future) With the...
SUC EATing patterns: Crucial indicators for an effective implementation of online modes of learning
(This article and the manuscript were submitted by the research team and may be updated in the future) Education has...
A proper REACTion in securing integrity on the public bidding of construction and infrastructure tenders amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
(This article and the manuscript were submitted by the research team and may be updated in the future) As of...
Can the LGUs respond to LSIs? A classification system to qualify capacity of local government units (LGU) to ACT on arriving COVID-19 positive locally stranded individuals (LSI)
(This article is submitted by the research team and may be updated in the future.) The COVID-19 pandemic has largely...
OCDex Portal: A Data-Driven Approach in Analyzing Procurement Process of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Advocacy Related Items
4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, Haiphong Vietnam, January 2020 Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Full PAPER...
Tracking Population Growth and its effects to Philippines’ Carrying Capacity in selected indicators
By: Team Data Hoarders "TEAM DATA HOARDERS" Explored the Population Growth and its Effects to Philippines' Carrying Capacity in Selected...
How Much is the Budget for HIV treatment in the Philippines?
By Team Data Miners "TEAM DATA MINERS" Explores budget trend of HIV-related commodities, versus the number of newly diagnosed cases...
Roles and Issues of the Sangguniang Kabataan
By Team: BATAG "TEAM BATAG" or Team "Builders And Technology Advocates Group", our young team from CSO and and Computer...
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