Tag Archives: iligan

Public Data Analytics: Community Problem Solving

VOLUME 2 of the OCDex Public Data Analytics Series

Data science and analytics has demonstrated its power in informing decision-making and problem-solving. Data can reveal trends and insights that would have otherwise been obscured. It can give decision-makers key information needed to craft effective and optimal solutions to organizational problems. It can help predict potential bottlenecks and challenges, so that organizations may come prepared when it happens. Data science and analytics is a sought out
skill in the digital age.

The Covid-19 pandemic and its resulting limitations on mobility has forced many transactions and communications to migrate from the physical space to the digital space. This sudden global digitalization resulted in an increase in data produced and a subsequent increase in the potential game-changing insights that these data may be hiding.

While many in the private sector have been seen leveraging the power of data for business insights and maximization of revenue, the public sector is yet to catch up in terms of digitalization and data utilization, especially in developing countries. The power of data would especially help communities and local governments in coming up with efficient, effective, and inclusive policies and solutions to problems.

The aim of the 2022 OCDex project run is to bring data scientists and analysts together, and demonstrate how analysis of government data can be used to help solve problems in local communities. The project aims to demonstrate how it can help inform local policymaking and project planning, and how citizens and researchers can participate and help their respective local government units in overcoming community challenges hand-in-hand. This handbook hopes to convince local governments and authorities to invest in good data housekeeping and integrate data science and analytics into their decision-making.

This handbook features how academics and data enthusiasts used public data to help inform solutions to various community problems such as healthcare, inclusivity, and accessibility for persons with disabilities, fairness, and transparency in public procurement, and ensuring enough supply of utilities. Lastly, this handbook presents a replicable model of cooperation between local governments and their local researchers and data enthusiasts toward the effective use of data science and analytics for community building.

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Reflections: How the Academe can Leverage Data and Analytics to Help LGUs

Author: Mia Amor C. Tinam-isan (Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology)

Data analytics has been the talk of the town. It finds its way across agencies (government or private), businesses, or various institutions in discovering valuable information about the existing and overwhelming amount of data. Data in these times exponentially increase and extracting valuable information from these data is essential. Information from the analysis can be used for decision making, coming up with a good marketing strategy, or even in establishing policies and guidelines from a broad test base. However, local government units per se in various parts of the Philippines, have not yet maximized the impact of data analytics. Varying factors might contribute to this such as unorganized data and non-computerized processes.

As part of the academic community, we can implement programs, webinars, and workshops that will empower our LGU to exploit their available data. It is imperative to partner with NGAs, and LGUs, and develop a working strategy for local government digitization. We can propose a simple initiative and start from the automation of LGU processes to organize and ensure the quality and the integrity of data for analysis. We can also venture into partnering with private agencies such as OCDex which has experienced in partnering with LGUs and had already developed numerous government data analytics applications. As of the moment, the College is continuously having a dialog with different offices of LGU-Iligan in crafting MOA for the digitization of the city government.

This article is the author’s reflection on the insight gained from the recently concluded OCDex 2022 Public Data Analytics Fellowship Trainings.

For more information about the article, please reach out to the author: miaamor.catindig@g.msuiit.edu.ph or Layertech labs support at learning@layertechlab.com

Educated Spending: An Insight on SUCs Utilization of MOOE

Author: Sittie NB Pasandalanb (Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology)

Despite the reality of reduced budgets of the education sector especially of state universities and colleges (SUCs), institutions of learning have a good share of the annual National Expenditure Plan of the government. Generally, appropriations of SUCs can be categorized into three: Personnel Services (PS), Capital Outlay (CO), and Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE). Of these three categories, the MOOE should be of great interest as this gives insight to how a higher education institution (HEI) of the government utilizes government funds, ergo tax payers’ money.

MOOE is funds to be used for necessities (such as electricity and water) and for activities. HEIs are institutions expected to promote conservation of energy, it is worthy to look into the electricity and water bills of HEIs as these would speak of how HEIs are walking the talk. As employees of HEIs are taxpayers themselves, spending for activities should be examined to determine judiciousness in utilizing government funds, ergo taxpayers’ money. 

There is the disconnect between spending from one’s own pocket to spending from another’s pocket. Most likely, one finds it easier to spend from another’s pocket than one’s own. This begs the question of whether employees in HEIs (taxpayers in HEIs) can connect with the funds allocated to HEIs as taxes they have paid to the government, ergo their money. 

In the case of MSU-IIT, the MOOE for 2021 amounted to Php 297,321,732.24 (from Php 222,402,237.68 in 2020). The question on how the amount was utilized and if the expenses are necessities or mere expenditures to utilize funds allocated by the government begs to be answered. 

This article is a reflection on the OCDex 2022 Fellowship Programme for Researchers

For more information about the article, please reach out to the author: sittie.pasandalan@g.msuiit.edu.ph or Layertech labs support at learning@layertechlab.com