OCDS References

OCDS references

OCDex Portal: A Data-Driven Approach in Analyzing Procurement Process of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Advocacy Related Items

4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, Haiphong Vietnam, January 2020

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

Full PAPER (ACM): https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3380688.3380719


The objective of this study is to use government procurement open data to inform Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) of the best possible strategies to optimize, and maximize their advocacy work. In this paper, pre-processing of the Department of Health Region (DOH) 5 procurement datasets from 2016- 2018 are conducted, collected from the official Philippine Government EProcurement System (PhilGEPS) repository. The visualizations and calculations showed average prices of HIV-related commodities, procurement categories, average procurement timelines and patterns, procurement allocation per province, which CSOs, represented by Gayon Bicol, may use to improve their crafting of proposal and monitoring of service delivery in their HIV-related grassroots advocacy work in the province of Albay. The data also showed posting of Notice to Proceed in PhilGEPS by approximately 16 days earlier than Publication of Award, for the entire Department of Health (DOH) Region 5, and 108 days early on HIV- related transactions, which is not within the compliance standards as stated in the Government Procurement Reform Act (GPRA) law, thus, a point for improvement for the agencies concerned.

Tracking Population Growth and its effects to Philippines’ Carrying Capacity in selected indicators

By: Team Data Hoarders

“TEAM DATA HOARDERS” Explored the Population Growth and its Effects to Philippines’ Carrying Capacity in Selected Indicators. They gave recommendations and insights both for data scientists to explore further on, and the government!

The presentation of Team Data Hoarders for the Datathon2020: Evidence-Based Lobby and Advocacy with Data Analytics, on February 22-23, 2020 held at Bicol University CSIT.

Please note that this presentation may be updated, modified, substantiated, in the following days. Please check this page for updates.

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This document is CC3.0 – Use with proper attribution
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How Much is the Budget for HIV treatment in the Philippines?

By Team Data Miners

“TEAM DATA MINERS” Explores budget trend of HIV-related commodities, versus the number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV per month from 2017 to 2019, as well as insights, comments and recommendations!

This is Team Data Miners’ presentation at the Datathon2020: Evidence-Based Lobby and Advocacy competition and workshop, held at Bicol University College of Science, February 22-23, 2020.

low this page for more updates, as this study gets further substantiated. The contents of this page may be modified, updated, and further substantiated.

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This document is CC3.0 – Use with proper attribution
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ )

Roles and Issues of the Sangguniang Kabataan

By Team: BATAG

“TEAM BATAG” or Team “Builders And Technology Advocates Group”, our young team from CSO and and Computer Science and IT Students,
presents the current issues that the youth are facing, and measures youth participation in governance.

trivia: ‘Batag’ is a bicol word for ‘banana’ pun so not intended! 😀

This is Team BATAG’s presentation at the Datathon2020: Evidence-Based Lobby and Advocacy competition and workshop, held at Bicol University College of Science, February 22-23, 2020.

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This document is CC3.0 – Use with proper attribution
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ )

HIV/AIDS in the Philippines

By Team Anata

“TEAM ANATA”, a mix of advocates and Computer Science and IT Students,
presents and discusses how they used data to identify key issues in HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, its urgency, and comes up with data-backed recommendations for government budgeting for HIV-related kits, trainings, and anti-retro-viral drugs.

This is Team Anata’s presentation at the Datathon2020: Evidence-Based Lobby and Advocacy competition and workshop, held at Bicol University College of Science, February 22-23, 2020.

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This document is CC3.0 – Use with proper attribution
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ )

Demand Generation Activities – Family Planning

By TEAM DatAvengers

Looking at the Number of Men and Women of Reproductive Age Reached With Unmet Needs for Family Planning, Referred, and Served

The presentation of Team DatAvengers for the Datathon2020: Evidence-Based Lobby and Advocacy with Data Analytics, on February 22-23, 2020 held at Bicol University CSIT.

Please note that this presentation may be updated, modified, substantiated, in the following days. Please check this page for updates.

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This document is CC3.0 – Use with proper attribution
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Procurement Analytics for Process Optimization – State University Report

This report is made in support to the international open data movement, and to generate insights to help optimize the procurement process of procurement entities. For this report, State University Data is used, although the method is applicable to all procuring entities in general.

Please note that Layertech is not giving any conclusive statements about the agencies and organizations mentioned in this report. We highly encourage that additional research and validation be conducted when using the information stated in this report.

This report is a use-case created under the Open Contracting Grant of Hivos. The views and insights in this document do not necessarily reflect those of Hivos.

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Kindly take time to read the notes, recommendations, scope and delimitation mentioned in this report.

This is document is under CC3 License. This is produced by Layertech. Please do not use the information without proper credit and/or Link to our website.   For  more information, comments and suggestions, please contact learning@layertechlab.com or visit www.OCDEX.tech

How Long Should The Procurement Process Take? A Visual Guide Based on the GPRA 2016 IRR

The Annex C of the 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Government Procurement Reform Act (GPRA) Defines the Minimum, Maximum, and Recommended Operational Timeline for each step of the procurement process.

Below are visual timelines for the procurement of Goods and Services, Infrastructure Projects, and Consulting Services.

Prescribed Procurement Timeline for Goods and Services
Prescribed Procurement Timeline for Consulting Services
Prescribed Procurement Timeline for Infrastructure Projects

For more details, please refer to the 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulations of the GPRA LAW found HERE.

Procurement Business Intelligence Workshop for Businesses

To Bid or Not to Bid? That is the Question!

Layertech Labs led the Procurement Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Workshop for Business Owners (and Bankers) in Albay.

Businesses were introduced WHERE to get official Philippine procurement data, HOW to process the data with both technical and non-technical tools, HOW to spot malicious/exaggerated graphs and data, as well as a short introduction how to use procurement business intelligence to inform business decisions and bidding strategies.

Businesses in Albay, some are owners, and C-executives themselves, attended the hands-on workshop at The Oriental Hotel Legazpi, Albay, Philippines.

At the end of the workshop, the participants shared their outputs and insights on Philippine Procurement, and how they can use Business Intelligence from PhilGEPS data to influence their Bidding Strategies.

The workshop was made possible thanks to Hivos, under the Open Contracting Programme, and the Albay Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Students Analyzing Procurement Data: 2019 Datathon for Transparency, Efficiency and Good Governance

25 students from Bicol University College of Science – Computer Science and IT Department, and students from Southern Luzon Technological College Foundation, Inc., joined the two-day Datathon on September 4-5, 2019 at Bicol University College of Science Laboratory. The event is facilitated by Layertech Labs, with the help of Bicol University CS- CSIT and SLTCFI, supported by Hivos.

In 10 hours, students learned basics of the R Environment, Basic Data Scraping and Data Analytics techniques. The students were made to form teams of 3 or 4, with a procuring entity of their choice. Using R, the students were able to scrape official Philippine procurement data from Philippine Government E-Procurement System (PhilGEPS), clean and standardize the datasets, before visualizing them into graphs.

At the end of theDatathon, the teams presented their findings before a panel of judges from: Department of ICT Luzon Cluster 3, Bicol University CS-CSIT, SLTCFI, and Gayon Bicol Civil Society Organization.

The judges declared the final winner, team “Paste Copy”, for analyzing Department of Education Region 5’s procurement efficiency, focusing on procurement of school supplies in the region’s public schools.

Check out the VIDEO: